The Burkholders and Africa Inland Mission

Our Story

We are Kyle and Joanna Burkholder. The Lord has given us a passion for others and for reaching those who do not have access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

After tech school, and with his private pilot license, Kyle began working as an airplane mechanic with hopes of one day furthering his aviation education to become a missionary pilot.

Joanna received her degree in Family and Child Development and worked various jobs in the field with families.

Prior to our marriage in 2017, we both were interested in being missionaries.

In 2020 we moved from northern VA to Spokane, WA so Kyle could finish his Biblical and Aviation training at Moody Bible Institute. There we had our first child, Judah. We currently live in Northeastern Ohio where Kyle is working as a flight instructor and we are preparing for moving overseas. We welcomed our second child, Hudson, in August 2024. 

We love the mission of AIM and are excited be a part of planting Christ-centered churches in Africa. Thank you for your prayers and support!


African Inland Mission seeks to plant Christ-centered churches among all African people, with a priority for the unreached.

AIM began in 1895 when a few church planters began moving into the heart of Africa to reach places that had not yet been touched by the Gospel. Today, AIM has missionaries in over 20 different African countries. AIM focuses on church planting, theological teaching, and raising up Christian African leaders who can then evangelize others.


With AIM sending missionaries throughout many remote places in Africa, there is much need to support those missionaries. As a result, Aim Air was created to provide support to AIM missionaries. This takes on many different forms, such as providing medical supplies, emergency evacuations, or transporting missionaries in and out of remote regions.

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© 2024 Kyle & Joanna Burkholder